Latest News & Breakthroughs
July 2022
GII’s redesign of the seismic sensor system for production readiness has been successfully completed and field tested. GII is now in contact with several companies desiring to incorporate this system into their future product offerings. Initial testing is planned for late 2022.
August 2021
GII in close cooperation with PSI conducted five field demonstration tests in various locations within California and Arizona with its pre-production version of the seismic sensor system. Successful surface field tests were conducted in: (1) the Mojave Desert (identical site as utilized in March 2019 – see below), (2) near Yuma, AZ in the southeastern California desert and (3) on the beach sand in Newport Beach, CA. Record footstep detection distances were set at all three locations.
Test #4 was comprised of subterranean detection tests that were conducted at the University of Arizona, Tucson Mining Laboratory at three different mineshaft depths – the deepest being 150 feet. Four types of activities were completed within each of the three tunnel depths. Spectral differences for each activity were identified and stored in computer memory. These successful test results indicate that the seismic sensor is capable of being an early warning system for impending open pit and subterranean mineshaft collapses. GII intends to pursue this business application with mining companies throughout the United States.
Test #5 was conducted in San Diego to successfully prove the system’s capability to detect and locate tunnels. Similar to the mineshaft tests above, four activity types were completed within the tunnel. Spectral differences for each activity were identified and stored in computer memory. The test results indicate that the seismic sensor is capable of detecting and locating tunnels.
The production readiness version of the seismic sensor system planned for summer 2022 will incorporate the knowledge gained from the data acquired during the five field demonstration tests.
June 2021
After months of initial preparation, GII has received approval to conduct field demonstration tests by August in conjunction with a government organization to verify seismic sensor capabilities. The tests are designed to validate GII’s claims of superior technical performance as compared to current technology.
March 2021
Over the past year GII’s material formulation supplier has continued to develop further coating improvements to prevent reverse engineering of proprietary electronic hardware. Laboratory tests indicate a world leading capability enabling GII initiate preliminary tests on actual electronic hardware.
May 2020
GII reached a major milestone regarding its continued development of a coating to prevent reverse engineering of it's proprietary electronic hardware. Laboratory tests were successfully conducted with its partner known for innovative material formulations. While further improvements to the formulation are envisioned, our progress is on schedule and the desired results are in sight. (Refer to September 2019 entry below.)
April 2020
GII is pursuing a potential lucrative opportunity to conduct seismic sensor system field demonstration tests for a large government organization. Successful testing will form the foundation for many future opportunities in several related applications. This effort will continue throughout 2020 and into 2021.
March 2020
While much of the world has been hindered by the pandemic, GII has boldly moved forward and entered into an agreement with a highly specialized consulting company located in Silicon Valley (south of San Francisco, CA) that possesses a deep network of individuals and companies involved in border/zone security and energy exploration applications. GII intends to capitalize on this network to identify and contact potential customers to utilize our seismic sensor systems for ground based applications.
September 2019
Critical to GII's future success is the ability to protect the intellectual property residing in our seismic sensor hardware system. Protection of the proprietary electronics is of primary importance prior to production deliveries. Therefore, GII continues to develop a coating to protect the seismic sensor system’s electronic circuit card assemblies from reverse engineering. This effort is being done in conjunction with a southern California based global leader in innovative material formulations for military, aerospace and energy exploration applications.
We anticipate spectacular results by late 2020, making it virtually impossible to reverse engineer proprietary circuit card assemblies.
July 2019
During July 2019 GII reached an historic agreement with its sister company PSI to increase the duration of its ground based exclusivity agreement from 10 years to 15 years! This agreement further solidifies the long term cooperative effort between the two companies. Beyond this, additional important contractual changes were made to further link the two companies together. In total, these positive changes were highly desired by both companies, current and future investors and potential customers.
GII and PSI look forward to a long, bright future together!
March 2019
GII is proud to announce global leadership in early warning border security utilizing seismic sensors to detect surface and tunnel intruders. No other system worldwide offers this dual solution to detect footsteps 250 meters distant.
GII and PSI traveled to the Mojave Desert near the city of Mojave in early March to conduct demonstration field tests, proving the capabilities of the redesigned hardware and software to a pre-production level configuration. While the weather in the desert was not cooperative (windy, rainy and water saturated ground), the extreme desert weather actually served to showcase the system’s robust performance even in non-optimum conditions. Hardware performance was significantly improved with detection distances increasing by over 40% as compared to previous, advanced prototype versions. Overall system performance was also greatly improved including a new generation of software. In addition, the system hardware looks and feels similar to a production unit ready for sale.
Day 1 and Day 3 were spent out in the field collecting data in sunny but windy weather with background environmental noise coming from the wind, nearby freeway traffic, a wind turbine farm for power generation and a heavily used freight railroad. Day 2 resulted in heavy rain with the locals advising us to remain at our headquarters hotel due to the possibility of dangerous flash flooding from the nearby mountains. Four hours of technical reviews were conducted indoors with GII, PSI, technical and marketing consultants and several current and potential investors present. The sharing of detailed data by several sources was of great benefit to all and added to the overall successful GII seismic sensor system field demonstration tests in the Mojave Desert. (For photos, please click here)
February 2019
Plans are now underway to conduct a marketing trip with PSI in the USA in early March to showcase the pre-production seismic sensor system demonstration unit. Highlighting the trip will be three days in the Mojave Desert near the city of Mojave, CA conducting an extensive, disciplined field test plan of the sensor system. Government agencies, major USA aerospace companies, investors, third party independent technical consultants and the media are being invited.
This event will mark the first public showing of the seismic sensor system in pre-production configuration.
February 2019
GII executive leadership traveled to Houston, Texas and met with an energy exploration expert to discuss the implementation of the seismic sensor system for energy exploration applications (oil and gas). The meetings were fruitful and plans for subsequent trips to Houston are in process.
January 2019
PSI successfully completed the initial phase of field testing for the pre-production seismic sensor system using a wired and wireless communication subsystem. GII’s management edict for strict adherence to good systems engineering principles during the design phase has paid off handsomely. GII executive management is ecstatic as field tests in winter snow/ice conditions confirm improved system level performance far beyond expectations.
December 2018
PSI has successfully completed the initial phase of building a pre-production seismic sensor system for field demonstrations. Laboratory tests confirm improved system level performance beyond expectations.
October 2018
Initial training for PSI to utilize the GII developed proprietary anti-reverse engineering material formulation has been completed. On-hardware testing will follow after the sensor system is fully integrated and field tested in mid- 2019.
September 2018
GII completed Phase One of the development of a proprietary anti-reverse engineering material formulation to protect PSI’s electronic hardware. While the formulation already meets most design requirements, additional upgrades are to be implemented in a time phased approach for increased system level performance in mid- 2019.
August 2018
GII has successfully completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 of its development of a proprietary material formulation to prevent reverse engineering of the seismic sensor electronics. This GII owned intellectual property helps cement GII’s business relationship with PSI while providing a necessary technology for completion of the Seismic Sensor System as mentioned below.
June 2018
GII personnel travelled to Armenia to work with PSI technical staff to validate through laboratory testing fundamental hardware performance improvement upgrades that were implemented to the seismic sensor design. System level field demonstration tests were also completed to validate simulated tunnel detection capability. Both lab and field tests met and exceeded expectations.
May - July 2018
With executive staff from GII in Yerevan, Armenia for an extended stay, major plans and tasks were accomplished with PSI. Experts in machine learning and artificial intelligence have been identified for future consulting in addition to two fast prototype laboratories being available as needed from a local university.
June 2018
GII and PSI signed an agreement for PSI to develop a Seismic Sensor System demonstration model with completion planned for late 2018. In addition to GII funding this effort, it is also providing technical support and identifying and paving the way for utilization of US based suppliers for key components.
This GII specified demonstration system will enable GII to provide live field demonstrations of the seismic systems’ world class capabilities to both potential customers and sophisticated investors in early 2019.
April 2018
GII and PSI have completed the systems engineering design for the transition to production ground based sensor system leading the way to signing a comprehensive transition to production implementation agreement.
January 2018
GII was contacted by a prominent US based technology think tank that was contracted by the US Government to act as an independent third party to evaluate technology solutions worldwide for tunnel detection systems as they relate to border security. During the five hour, two day interview, GII was informed that it may have, by a large margin the best tunnel detection system worldwide for border security systems!
November 2017
GII signed a cooperative agreement with Nverra, located in Houston, Texas with regard to marketing of GII’s ground based seismic sensor systems for energy exploration applications. Nverra possesses deep technical knowledge and marketing contacts within the energy exploration industry.
August 2017
Global Innovations, Inc. and Precision Sensors and Instruments, LLC signed a ten year Exclusive Agreement for GII to have the marketing rights to the PSI Smart Sensor System (SSS) for Border and Zone Security and Ground Exploration applications. This agreement further solidifies the strong relationship between the two companies to bring PSI's SSS to market with GII's Integrated Smart Sensor System (ISSS).
August 2017
Global Innovations, Inc. and Precision Sensors and Instruments, LLC signed a ten year Right of First Refusal Agreement for GII to acquire future marketing rights for four different types of medical sensor technologies. These technologies can be utilized to develop a host of new medical diagnostic equipment. This agreement further solidifies the strong relationship between the two companies to bring PSI's medical sensor innovations to market through GII.
July 2017
GII personnel travelled to Armenia to work with PSI technical staff to validate through laboratory testing fundamental hardware performance improvement upgrades that were implemented to the seismic sensor design. System level field demonstration tests were also completed to validate simulated tunnel detection capability. Both lab and field tests met and exceeded expectations.
June 2017
GII met with a large well known medical diagnostic equipment company to discuss medical diagnostic equipment applications for future development. A more detailed discussion is scheduled for early September.
May 2017
GII's CEO traveled to New Delhi, India in mid-May to meet with the highest levels of India's Border Security Force (BSF) to discuss Early Warning Border Security Systems for hostile border applications. BSF is interested in GII's sensor system and has requested a field demonstration in country. (India has 12,000 total miles of international border with 8 countries. Border hostilities with Pakistan to the west and now recently with China in the northeast accounts for over 4,500 miles of the total.)
February 2017
GII traveled to Washington DC (Arlington, VA) to meet with key personnel within US Homeland Security to present our sensor system capabilities for tunnel detection as part of a comprehensive border security system. Discussions are ongoing.
November 2016
Global Innovations, Inc. sponsored Precision Sensors and Instruments, LLC to travel with GII to Springfield, MO, Palo Alto, CA (Silicon Valley) and the greater Los Angeles area to meet with potential customers and key investors. Border and Zone Security and Medical Diagnostic Equipment applications were some of the highlights during the many meetings and presentations that were conducted over a 6 day period.
August 2016
GII sponsored PSI for further development of improved software algorithms for seismic sensor target detection and differentiation capabilities. Field testing exceeded expectations.
March 2016
GII and PSI traveled for five days to northern Italy to meet with two top companies in Italy that specialize in border and zone security systems. Field test demonstrations in two challenging and distinctly different ground environments and geographic locations were conducted with both technical and executive leadership from both companies observing. The tests were done 85 miles northwest of Milan at the base of the Alps and 30 miles outside of Turin in a farming region.
Sensor hardware and sensor system tests were flawless but software capabilities required the implementation of additional algorithm improvements (Refer to August 2016 milestone above.)
January 2016
Global Innovations, Inc. and Precision Sensors and Instruments, LLC signed a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) formalizing their sister company status. The signing signifies the formal commitment to work together to bring PSI’s Smart Sensor System (SSS) to market within GII’s Integrated Smart Sensor System (ISSS).
November 2015
After a year of formal and informal conferences and negotiations, GII is pleased to announce plans to travel to Italy for five days in February 2016 with PSI. This trip will be to conduct technical discussions and real world field tests of the ISSS for an Italian industrial consortium. Future plans include GII being the ISSS (Integrated Smart Sensor System) supplier to the consortium for international early warning border security systems.
July 2015
Global Innovations, Inc. has retained the services of the prestigious internationally based law firm Morgan, Lewis and Bockius LLP with offices in Palo Alto, CA. They serve as legal counsel to position GII for private securities investment. Their global reach and experience coupled with their extensive high technology startup company expertise were key considerations for GII.
June 2015
Global Innovations, Inc., initially a Nevada based “S” Corporation officially became a Delaware based “C” Corporation headquartered in Los Angeles, CA USA.
March 2015
Global Innovations, Inc. (GII), in conjunction with PSI's Smart Sensor System, has developed an "integrated" state of the art seismic sensor system capable of out-performing by a large margin any seismic sensor system sourced worldwide for border security applications, or its application to seismic imagery for oil and gas exploration industry.
December 2014
More Applications Identified for Sensor Technology
There is the potential for as many new inventions and products to be built as human ingenuity can imagine. Many types of homeland security, military, medical, industrial and scientific systems and equipment can be developed in the near future using this new sensor technology.
October 2014
Global Innovations, Inc. sponsored sister company Precision Sensors and Instruments, LLC for three days of Integrated Smart Sensor System field testing for early warning border security applications. An independent company, Flight Test Aerospace (FTA) provided oversight for the tests and independent analysis of the final test data. Test results showed >400% increase in human footstep detection as compared to the best competitors worldwide. This is a revolutionary breakthrough in detection distance for border security applications.